
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Haggis For Halloween: Florence Schauffler: Pumpkinhead (1989)

Florence Schauffler in 'Pumpkinhead' (1989)

So, it's the weekend before Halloween, and it's time to decide which films to start the season off with. This is always a rather delicate process for horror fans. You can't just start throwing movies into the DVD player! There's an entire psychology behind it. First and foremost and before over-thinking anything, Pumpkinhead is an absolute must!

The first frightening female I ever set eyes on was Linda Blair in The Exorcist. Since the film came-out when I was barely a year old, I didn't have the pleasure of experiencing it until I was around six or so. I remember sitting in my living room, and eating ice cream with my Dad. He always made sure I had a healthy dose of horror and monsters. And with snacks to boot! This was back in the days long before video stores and red boxes. When films of blockbuster status could be seen on television over and over again, and at differrent times throughout the year; not just Halloween. Ahh, the good old days!  Like everyone else, 'Regan' scared the hell out of me! And she still does to this day. About three years later , I became fascinated with Ray Harryhausen's 'Medusa' from Clash of The Titans (1981). I still find her to be demonically beautiful, and she continues to remain one of my favorite film characters even today.

Florence Schauffler's 'Haggis' is the last of the classic, iconic female images in horror. When I say classic, I mean twenty or more years old. When I say iconic, I mean that you can look at an image of a film character, and know EXACTLY what it's from.

So, here's to everyone enjoying a little Haggis with your Halloween!


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